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Blessing Bags for the Homeless

In their continuing efforts to assist people in need, the Knights of St Mark’s Mission is launching it’s “Blessing Bags for the Homeless” consist of a $5.00 gift card for Subway, two snack bars (granola or fruit bars), one bottle of water, sanitary hand wipes, a Knights of Columbus prayer card and a comprehensive directory of relief agencies in St Johns County.

The gift of a Blessing Bag to a homeless person is a dignified way for us to provide some much needed immediate relief, as well as help to put people in need in contact with competent and caring professionals. Many times, folks in difficult situations just need a kind word and a way to help themselves. We think the Blessing Bag will be just that, a blessing.

It is the fervent hope of the St Mark’s Knights that as many parishioners as possible will take part in the distribution efforts and support the program by donations to offset the costs for the contents of the Blessing Bags in the future. Blessing Bags will be available for pickup after both masses on Sunday, the 26th.

Thank you and may God continue to bless St. Marks Catholic Mission.


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St Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church

Phone Number: (904) 295-8129

Mailing Address: 2206 S Cranbrook Ave, St Augustine, FL 32092

Email Address: 

 Sunday Masses at 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. at Patriot Oaks Academy

Tuesday Mass at 8:30 a.m. at St Johns Golf & Country Club

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